woensdag 6 januari 2016

The best records of 2015: playlist 06/01/2016

1. CHAIN OF FLOWERS - bury my love
(Album: "S/T" - Alter Records)
2. CEREMONY - your life in france
(Album: "THE L-SHAPED MAN" - Matador Records)
3. PROTOMARTYR - pontiac 87
(Album: "THE AGENT INTELLECT" - Hardly Art Records)
4. DIÄT - toonie
(Album: "POSITIVE ENERGY - Adagio830 + Irong Lung Records)
5. VENTRE DE BICHE - un bon vigile
(Album: "VIENS MOURIR" - Teenage Menopause Records)
6. BLACK TIME - no expectations
(Album: "AERIAL GOBS OF LOVE" - Förbjudna Ljud Records)
7. KITCHEN'S FLOOR - bitter defeat
(Album: "BATTLE OF BRISBANE" - Bruit Direct Disques + Hozac Records)
8. DEAF WISH - pain
(Album: "PAIN" - Sub Pop Records)
9. INSTITUTE - perpetual ebb
(Album: "CATHARSIS" - Sacred Bones Records)
10. ANASAZI - horror at the mass
(Album: "NASTY WITCH ROCK" - La Vida Es Un Mus + Toxic State Records)
11. UNIFORM - buyer's remorse
(Album: "PERFECT WORLD" - Alter Records)
12. DAWN OF HUMANS - secretion / grapitudonce of hinsenctor
(Album: "SLURPING AT THE COSMOS SPINE" - La Vida Es Un Mus + Toxic State Records)
13. BARCELONA - 20 años / mi ciudad
(Album: "EXTREMO NIHILISMO EN BARCELONA" - La Vida Es Un Mus Records)
14. AKITSA - noire bête ailée
(Album: "GRANDS TYRANS" - Hospital Productions)
15. WIEGEDOOD - kwaad bloed
(Album: "DE DODEN HEBBEN HET GOED" - Consouling Sounds)

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